Thursday, September 25, 2008


We've been taking Sarah to Gymboree since March or April. For a time this summer, she wasn't into it much, getting cranky most visits. But lately, she seems to enjoy it more, I guess since she is able to walk and get around more. Plus, she likes to walk around North Park Mall a little bit before and after we go there.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Days and Nights

For some reason, Sarah has gotten her days and nights mixed least this night. She went to sleep at the usual 8-8:30 but then got up about 12:30 crying. I got her something to drink and rocked her a bit, yet she has refused to go back to sleep. It's now approaching 4:30! Dear me!

We even drove around Edmond a bit to no avail. I guess it's just one of those nights. She isn't sick, doesn't have a fever, her teeth aren't coming in...who knows. What can a dad do but keep trying to get her to go to sleep and in the meantime stay up with her (and the late-night infomercials we all know so well).