Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Daddy Did Today

1. Got up around 5 a.m. to feed Sarah. Went back to sleep (as did Sarah).
2. Got up around 9 a.m. to watch Sarah since Mommy goes to work.
3. Played with Sarah, fed her, changed a diaper.
4. Went to the park with Sarah and her bro-bros.
5. Played with Sarah, fed her, changed a diaper.
6. Took a three-hour nap with Sarah (yay for long naps!).
7. Played with Sarah, fed her, changed a diaper.
8. Sat out in the front yard with Sarah and the bro-bros, pulled some weeds.
9. Played Sarah's video, cooked dinner, wrote this blog.
10. Ate dinner with Sarah and Mommy (we had hamburger helper, she had cheese and some of our stuff).
11. Played with Sarah.
12. Helped Mommy put Sarah to bed.
13. Stayed up playing computer games til 11 or so.
14. Went to sleep.

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