Monday, October 20, 2008

First Big Trip

Well, Sarah had her first family vacation this past week, and, boy, did she have a big time. We went to Sonoma County, California, which is about an hour north of San Fransisco, an area full of vineyards and redwoods not too far from the rocky coast.

Sarah loved playing outside on the trip. She soon learned to grab her shoes in the morning and present them to the nearest adult. Sarah also enjoyed her first visit to the ocean, putting her feet in the cold waters (and even getting hit by a wave!).

Unfortunately, our baby seat we brought to hold her in the airplane wasn't FAA approved (little did we know about that), so we were stuck with a wiggly baby on the 3+ hour flights to SF and back. Daddy isn't the best when it comes to being around lots of people in closed confines, and add a baby making us the center of attention meant a stressed-out pop. Needless to say, next trip, we'll have the right seat and a portable DVD player in which to strap her in and veg her out!

Overall, though, Sarah was a good little girl. If she has activities and room to roam, there's no problem (well, unless it's close to nap or bed time). I'm proud of her on her first big trip.

1 comment:

Sean Conkin said...

Yikes...the FAA strikes again! Glad she had a good time seeing the ocean and experiencing a big trip! I know what you mean about claustrophobic plane rides! You guys better have drinky drinks for us when we come next month after our plane ride there! :) Hey, I'm gonna call you guys this out! :)