Wednesday, October 8, 2008


  • Well, in the past few days, Sarah has shown she can go from sit/crawl to stand without any support. Before she would crawl to a wall or something and pull herself up.
  • On the eating front, she likes cheese, chicken, yogurt, bread, "fishies", but she will eat about anything.
  • No recognizable words, other than dada, coming from her mouth, though she does seem to talk in complete sentences at times. :)
  • Sleeping, Sarah goes down about 8 p.m. and gets up from 6-7 a.m., taking a 2-3 hour nap late morning/early afternoon.
  • She likes watching PBS Kids in the morning and her Baby Einstein videos (yes, she gets more language development from interacting with "live" people) late in the afternoon before dinner. We go for a walk with her "bro bros" in the afternoon and get some social time 2-3 days/week at Gymboree.
  • Sarah is petite but healthy. She is happy and likes to have fun. And she sure has the curls in back! :)

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