Monday, May 4, 2009

Sarah is Two!

Update your bookmarks to:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dance Fever

Beware the motion sickness :)

Friday, April 24, 2009


The past week or so, Sarah has stepped up her vocalizations when things aren't quite going the way she would like. At what seems (to me at least) a minor thing, like taking a different street on our daily walk around the neighborhood, she has a meltdown into screams and cries. Then, about two minutes later, a dog will bark, and she'll be all smiles, saying "Doggy!" I actually like the fact that she has her own wants and opinions and desires, and I know crying is still often the only way she knows how to express displeasure. But daddy gets drained a bit after, say, the 10th meltdown of the day (disclaimer: I'm not trying to compare myself to Bush hehe). :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009


From, we should have gotten this when Sarah use to do the Army crawl around the house!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sarah has been going to Gymboree for about a year now...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In the Now

I love watching Sarah play since she's so focused on the moment. Whether throwing a ball around or running in the grass, her mind isn't cluttered with past or future...something for us adults strive for as well.

Update: Seems researchers have determined toddlers don't foresee future events. Actually, they encounter something (like rain) then recall what they've done before in such an event. This is different than an adult who not only remembers but also plans out and predicts upcoming stuff in life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009


Sarah is starting to click more on her vocabulary. Today, for instance, I could swear she said, "G-O. Go" to me after grabbing her shoes and "book" after getting a book. She also pointed to things at the store and said, "ook. ook." Perhaps I'm a wishful daddy, but I do think she's expressing herself better.

Update: Well, evidently, after going to the doctor for her periodic checkup, Sarah doesn't have the 30-50 word vocabulary that others her age do. I'm not too surprised since she has no siblings and few relatives, isn't in daycare, and spends 90% of her time with an introverted daddy. I know, though, that she'll talk when ready--when words represent what she wants or wants to share, when mom and dad also stop acting like her baby talk actually means something. :)

I felt kinda down after hearing about her supposed inefficiencies but have reminded myself since that Sarah knows a healthy home environment, knows love, and is importantly using the self-confidence from those to grow a healthy and happy life.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dis 'n Dat

Some random things Sarah is into:
  • She still has her Geoffrey doll with her most of the time, though her Elmo doll has gained in importance.
  • She has been a good eater this week, enjoying Lil Smokies, black beans, cheese, bread, and whatever else mom and dad are eating. I know when she's full when the food morsels start going down to her bro bros instead of in her mouth.
  • Sarah will let me know, too, when she's hungry, sleepy, ready for a walk or video by going to the place in the house where these things start or happen (like the fridge or her crib).
  • She still enjoys doing to Gymboree and is getting better at climbing and sharing.
  • Sarah finally said "Mama" recently even though she has made the connection to the person.
  • She has pretty much gotten too long for her baby changing furniture, and we put clothes on her on the floor alot of the time now.
  • She loves to sing and dance to her Elmo "jukebox" and look at her books every day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sarah and daddy joined a swim class for toddlers at the Y this month. Sarah's been in a pool before (see below) but nothing quite like this. Of course, she loves the water, and we had a good time splashing around for 30 minutes.

The class has toddlers learn some basics like climbing out of the pool and feeling relaxed when lying on their back (not an easy one for Sarah's first try). With this class and Gymboree, though, she's prepped for some learnin' and fun!