Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dis 'n Dat

Some random things Sarah is into:
  • She still has her Geoffrey doll with her most of the time, though her Elmo doll has gained in importance.
  • She has been a good eater this week, enjoying Lil Smokies, black beans, cheese, bread, and whatever else mom and dad are eating. I know when she's full when the food morsels start going down to her bro bros instead of in her mouth.
  • Sarah will let me know, too, when she's hungry, sleepy, ready for a walk or video by going to the place in the house where these things start or happen (like the fridge or her crib).
  • She still enjoys doing to Gymboree and is getting better at climbing and sharing.
  • Sarah finally said "Mama" recently even though she has made the connection to the person.
  • She has pretty much gotten too long for her baby changing furniture, and we put clothes on her on the floor alot of the time now.
  • She loves to sing and dance to her Elmo "jukebox" and look at her books every day.

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