Friday, January 23, 2009


Sarah is starting to click more on her vocabulary. Today, for instance, I could swear she said, "G-O. Go" to me after grabbing her shoes and "book" after getting a book. She also pointed to things at the store and said, "ook. ook." Perhaps I'm a wishful daddy, but I do think she's expressing herself better.

Update: Well, evidently, after going to the doctor for her periodic checkup, Sarah doesn't have the 30-50 word vocabulary that others her age do. I'm not too surprised since she has no siblings and few relatives, isn't in daycare, and spends 90% of her time with an introverted daddy. I know, though, that she'll talk when ready--when words represent what she wants or wants to share, when mom and dad also stop acting like her baby talk actually means something. :)

I felt kinda down after hearing about her supposed inefficiencies but have reminded myself since that Sarah knows a healthy home environment, knows love, and is importantly using the self-confidence from those to grow a healthy and happy life.

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